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2016 International Conference

October 26–November 4, 2016 • Ames, Iowa

We are looking forward to the International Conference this year for another opportunity to equip leaders and strengthen and accelerate church multiplication around the globe, through training workshops, presentations, and interaction. During the last two days of the conference, known as the Executive Leadership Summit, we are looking forward to addressing the topic of Theology in Culture and hearing from multiple leaders around the world who are utilizing BILD resources to return to the Scriptures, to do fresh theology in their culture, and to train a whole new generation of leaders for the Church.

Who will be at the BILD International Conference?

International Leaders: This year we are continuing to limit conference attendees to key international church network partners who are actively establishing their networks using the C-BTE philosophy and resources.

North American Leaders: In addition to international leaders, during the second week we are inviting North American church leaders who want to partner with them! That includes...

  • Church leaders already supporting BILD’s International Partners or who desire to learn more about supporting them.
  • Church leaders partnering in BILD’s CityChurch Network.
  • Church leaders partnering in BILD’s 30-City Urban Strategy to reach North American Urban Centers.
  • Church leaders planning to participate in Antioch School Initial or Ongoing Certification Training.
  • New leaders desiring an orientation to BILD International and the paradigm of church-based theological education, with the interest of partnering with BILD internationally.

North American Registration:

2400 Oakwood Road • Ames, IA 50014-8417 • 515.292.7012 (p) • 515.292.1933(f) • bild@bild. org

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