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Conference FAQ'S

  • What does the Conference Cost? How do I pay?
  • Are there sponsorships available?
  • Where is the Conference being held?
  • What travel and housing arrangements should I make?
  • What visa information do I need?
  • How can I prepare for the Conference?
  • Should I bring anything with me to the Conference?

  • What does the Conference cost? How do I pay?
    International Attendees:
    • BILD will provide all meals, housing, and training materials.
    • You will need to pay for all your travel expenses to Ames, Iowa, and back home, including visa expenses, and have some discretionary money.

    North American Attendees
    • North American attendees who want to attend the conference should go to the main conference page for details about the 2016 International Conference.

    All Attendees:
    • Lunch will be provided at the Conference daily for all attendees.

  • Regrettably, BILD is not able to provide sponsorships. You will need to make arrangements to pay for your own travel expenses to Ames, Iowa, and back home, including any visa expenses and discretionary money.

  • All Conference sessions will be held at the BILD offices located at 2400 Oakwood Road, Ames, Iowa. Phone number: 515.292.7012

  • Travel and housing arrangements:
    For our International Attendees:
    • You should fly into the Des Moines International Airport (DSM).
    • We recommend that you plan to arrive on October 25 so you can be refreshed and prepared for the opening session and that you plan to depart no earlier than afternoon November 5.
    • You will be picked up by a BILD representative at the Des Moines airport at the Baggage Claim area. The representative will be holding a "BILD International" sign for easy identification. In an emergency: week days 9:00 AM–5:00 PM CDT call the BILD offices at 515-292-7012. At all other times call Keith at 515-231-0600.
    • International guests are invited to be housed by members of our church family (CityChurch of Ames-Des Moines) between October 25 and November 5.
    • Your daily travel to and from the Conference will be provided.

    For our U.S.A. Attendees:
    • If you are flying, the Des Moines International Airport (DSM) is closest to Ames, Iowa. The airport is about 45 miles from Ames. Cars can be rented at the airport.
    • We recommend that you plan to arrive the day before the start of your sessions so that you can be refreshed and prepared.
    • A map, driving directions, and hotel accomodation information can be found on our Travel and Housing page.

  • Visa information needed:
    • You need your official invitation letter from Jeff Reed to take to your visa interview and for travel purposes at your Port of Entry.
    • Visa requirements are different depending on your country of origin. Citizens of most countries need a visa to travel to the U.S.A., but you must determine whether or not you live in a visa waiver country. Contact the U.S. Embassy in your country of origin or visit its website to determine whether or not you need a visa to travel to the U.S.A. The U.S. Embassy website lists the location of all U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

  • Our How to Prepare section has specific instructions on what to do prior to attending the Conference.

  • What should I bring with me to the Conference?
    • A laptop will be helpful to you while you are attending the Conference.
    • The weather will be chilly to cold so, if possible, come prepared for chilly weather.
    • You will receive several resources depending on your training track. It is helpful to come with an additional suitcase that is fairly empty so that you can pack the materials that you receive to take them home with you. As you plan, check with your airline for weight limits and number of bags allowed. This will save you the cost of having your materials shipped after the Conference.

2400 Oakwood Road • Ames, IA 50014-8417 • 515.292.7012 (p) • 515.292.1933(f) • bild@bild. org

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