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President’s Letter

Dear Friend,

We are living in an unprecedented time.
  • By 2050, the center of the Christian world shifts to the Southern Hemisphere – not in Europe or the United States.
  • Africa grew from 10 million Christians in 1900 to 230 million in 2000.
  • Tens of millions of new churches worldwide will arise over the next few decades.
  • Even in Europe and North America, significant, new church-planting movements have emerged.

As I consider all this, one question motivates me.

How will the next generation of new believers become disciples without biblically-sound, skilled leaders? We are experiencing a WORLDWIDE CHURCH LEADERSHIP VOID.

I believe, as leaders of Christ’s Church, we cannot do missions, education, discipleship or leadership training “as usual” and hope that it will work. With globalization and the speed of communication, new strategies are required.

The key to those new, 21st century strategies lies in the 1st century. The way Jesus taught His disciples and the method Paul used to mentor and plant churches brought world-changing results. We must return to those examples – using all the 21st century offers – to win the world for Christ.

Will you join us to bring world-changing results? Share with your churches and ministry organizations about the biblical training help available. Join us in praying for the nations. Support us with your finances.

Together with the Holy Spirit’s leading, we can transform the world.

Jeff Reed
BILD International President & CEO

2400 Oakwood Road • Ames, IA 50014-8417 • 515.292.7012 (p) • 515.292.1933(f) • bild@bild. org

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